Thursday, 5 August 2010

My Leading Lady

Angela Montenegro/Michaela Conlin

So this week to follow on from my Bones addiction, my chosen Leading Lady is none other than Angela Montenegro/Michaela Conlin. This woman has a certain something about her, she seems to ooze grace. This grace is teamed perfectly with a gleaming personality and astounding beauty. The character she portrays in Bones has always been my personal favourite even before the appearance of Roxie, which without a doubt gained her numerous bonus points. As Hodgins once said "she's the heart of the team." He's right on several counts; in one sense she is the glue that holds them all together, but she 's also the warm and kind member of the group, a welcomed contrast from the literal and scientific personalities of the rest of the gang. That's not to say I don't adore the rest of them because I do. It's just Angela has a certain something extra about her. Also it has got to be said that with a name like Angela Pearly-Gates Montenegro she has a lots to live up to. But in my books she passes with flying colours.

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