Sandra Pullman/Amanda Redman
One of the things I admire the most about Superintendent Sandra Pullman is her spirit. She a career girl whose aim in life is to lock up bad guys, and I for one enjoy watching her do it. I think what I like the most is that she's a dame in charge, even though she gets on well with her boys they all know who's giving the orders. She's not afraid to boss around those below her or defy those above, which is fair enough as she's usually right. Her success in her professional life has lead to a general demise of her personal one, but during the show we see how the rest of the team is helping her to build relationships with people. She's developed strong bonds with all of her team even if she does think their crazy, she cares for them. It's no secret that my taste tends to lean towards women who can both mentally and physically kick ass. Sandra is definitely one of these people, this girl knows how to throw a punch. She's feisty, female and in charge, what more can a girl ask for.
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