Good Luck England
As we prepare for the beginning of the games in Delhi, it difficult not to wait with baited breath to see if in fact they do pull it off. Through out the last few weeks the papers have been packed with stories of construction disasters and cleanliness nightmares. Many people have doubts that anything will be completed by tomorrow. I however have faith in India. I think that they will pull out all the stops and bring it all together, not to mention I don't doubt that the situation had been grossly exaggerated by the media. I am looking forward to the opening ceremony, with such a rich culture to draw from it promises to be a wonderful celebration of colour and life. I'm also looking forward to the games their self, being an English girl I am of course rooting for my home country and all the other British athletes as well as Canada, since it has a special place in my heart. Looking at the line up of events it seems were in for an exciting couple of weeks of competition and I hope it lives up to expectation. One aspect of the Games I'm hoping gets attention is the Para-sports. These men and women deserve so much recognition for what it is they are achieving, to overcome so much and reach this level requires so much dedication and strength and I hope that everyone remember that and supports these athletes. We should be proud of every person who take part in this event and I wish them all luck.
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